Saturday, August 31, 2013

DIY: No-Sew Hair Bow


  • Any type of fabric (My friend and I used an old pair of pajama bottoms that were wayyy too short for her; not only did we not have to go out and buy fabric, but they also had cats on them!  Win-win!)
  • Iron
  • Scissors (ones that can cut through fabric would be ideal)
  • Measuring tape/ruler
  • Twist ties or pipe cleaner
  • Hot glue gun
  • Bobby pin or hair clip


1.  Cut a piece of fabric so it's 12 inches long.  How wide you decide to cut the fabric is up to you (it just depends on how wide you want the bow to be; we cut ours 6 inches wide)
2.  Cut another piece of fabric so it's 6 inches long.  Again, how wide you decide to cut the fabric is up to you (it depends on how wide you want the center piece of the bow to be; we cut ours 1 inch wide)

3.  Fold over the edges of each piece of fabric (about 1/4 or 1/2 of an inch) and iron the folds down

4.  Fold the bigger piece of fabric into thirds and iron the folds down

5.  Fan-fold the larger piece of fabric that you just ironed into thirds and pinch it in the center
6.  Twist the twist tie or pipe cleaner at the center of the fan-folded piece of fabric to hold the center together
7.  Glue the smaller piece of fabric that you cut/ironed earlier around the twist tie/pipe cleaner so that the twist tie/pipe cleaner is hidden
8.  Glue a bobby pin or hair clip to the back of the bow

9.  Rock it out!

- M.

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